We did an incredibly difficult experiment of the mind tonight on #OpenMicMagic! One of our audience members, Micah Cover, showed random objects, one-at-a-time to the home and virtual studio audience. Cheryl Hayes acted as the medium, welcoming the spirit of my deceased Aunt Clara to speak through her! Clara then went between Cheryl and Micah, to glimpse each object and speak through Cheryl their identities! Did it work? Can the dearly-departed really speak through the living? You be the judge on this Halloween Spooktacular! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's amazing line-up!
Excited about this show which will Livestream on this page IN EXACTLY FOUR DAYS, Friday, Nov. 1st! Want to get the jump on other folks? Register for your FREE virtual/Zoom seat here: https://www.majickmikelikey.com/dr-michaels-friday-night-wizard-emporium.html
Check out our amazing line-up of some of the greatest magicians in the world: @edwardl.underwood (U.S.) @kaplan.john (Canada) @ari_magical_life (U.S.) @magicalmscharley (U.S.) @micahthemagician (U.S.) @norcalrunner89 (U.S.) John Greenwood (John the Great, U.K.) @leegermain1134comcast.net_ (U.S.) @roybrownlowe (Roy Stone, U.K.) @robinamagic (Robina the Enchantress, U.S.) @tommy_burnett (U.S.) @themagiciankev (U.K.) Myself (Dr. Michael Likey, Canada) Costumes encouraged! It's going to be spoooookeeeee....
After you enjoy my Friday Night Wizard Emporium, (Friday, Nov. 1st, Livestreamed to my personal page) enjoy watching the Season 5 debut of my chat show Magical People Saturday November 2nd 1 (L.A.)/4 (N.Y.)/8 (NOT 9!) U.K. featuring Robin Byers-Pierce (Robina the Enchantress) andKenton Knepper!
Watch the Livestream on my personal FB page or get up close and personal with your EXCLUSIVE and FREE Virtual/Zoom seat! Get your ticket here: https://www.majickmikelikey.com/magical-people-live.html
The other night I had the honor of doing a lecture for the Vancouver Magic Circle, IBM Ring #92 on Bizarre Majick/Mentalism. Part of my presentation included doing Long-Distance Telepathy/Mediumship with Cheryl Hayes who acted as the medium by speaker-phone all the way from New Hampshire, U.S. She succeeded not only in naming the objects held up by the committee, but also stated the serial number from a five-dollar bill I borrowed from an audience member. Here is a short clip from the experiment.
I had the honor of doing a lecture on Bizarre Majick/Mentalism last night for the Vancouver Magic Circle Here is a quote from Graham Kita, Past President, Vancouver Magic Circle, and Director on Executive: "There are a lot of people that said they really enjoyed your workshop. Thank you for taking the time and energy to come out and do that for us. Our vision is to do more and more magic at our meetings. members like yourself really do help us to instill the attitudes of professionalism . I especially liked the fact that you mentioned bizarre magic is a hard sell to the public for shows. it is super cool, but you could make a lot more money just doing kids birthday parties. For the beginners in the group, information like that is so valuable. I’ve seen so many younger magicians go off and wanna be different. They don’t understand how much more difficult that path would be as opposed to Doing commercially accepted magic .It can definitely be done. It takes a lot of years to know and understand what your audience likes. I really like that your workshop wasn’t about look what I can do . It was about teaching the members and sharing our Art of Magic." Another from the great Donovan Edward Wert: "One of my favourite books in my collection, Signed by my great friend The incomparable Dr. Michael Likey!! His lecture at the Vancouver Magic Circle last night was absolutely delightful!! From the amazing Shawn Farquhar: "Thanks for performing and lecturing last night for the VMC, I think I can confidently say everyone had a grand time." Roy J Hopwood: "If you missed the VMC meeting on Thursday, you missed a great workshop by Dr. Michael Likey. His thoughts and demonstration of Bizarre Magic / Mentalism showed that a well-developed character and costume - Steam Punk - along with effects that suit the character creates a potent image. Michael also showed that keeping the method simple does NOT lessen the effect." Thank you Yoosik Ethan Oum for the great pics, and to Cheryl Hayes my amazing assistant/partner in crime!
After you enjoy my Friday Night Wizard Emporium, enjoy watching the Season 5 debut of my chat show Magical People Saturday November 2nd 1 (L.A.)/4 (N.Y.)/8 (NOT 9!) U.K. featuring Robin Byers-Pierce (Robina the Enchantress) and Kenton Knepper!
Watch the Livestream on my FB page (here) or get up close and personal with your EXCLUSIVE and FREE Virtual/Zoom seat! Get your ticket here: https://www.majickmikelikey.com/magical-people.html
Friday, November 1st. A Halloween Boonanza, featuring some of the world's greatest magicians! 1:00 p.m. (L.A.)/4:00 p.m. (N.Y.)/8:00 p.m. NOT 9:00 p.m.(U.K.) Livestreams to my Facebook page, or get your FREE and EXCLUSIVE Virtual (Zoom) seat here: https://www.majickmikelikey.com/dr-michaels-friday-night-wizard-emporium.html
Excited about this show which will Livestream on this page IN EXACTLY A WEEK, Friday, Nov. 1st! Want to get the jump on other folks? Register for your FREE virtual/Zoom seat here: https://www.majickmikelikey.com/dr-michaels-friday-night-wizard-emporium.html Check out our amazing line-up of some of the greatest magicians in the world: Edward L. Underwood (U.S.) John Kaplan (Canada) Ari Fleischman (U.S.) The Magical Ms. Charley (U.S.) Micah Cover (U.S.) Mitch Kothe (U.S.) John Greenwood (John the Great, U.K.) Lee Germain (U.S.) Roy Brownlowe (Roy Stone, U.K.) Robin Byers-Pierce (Robina the Enchantress, U.S.) Tommy Burnett (U.S.) Kevin Peel (U.K.) Myself (Dr. Michael Likey, Canada) Costumes encouraged! It's going to be spoooookeeeee.... And then, ONE DAY LATER, Saturday Nov. 2nd at 1:00 p.m. (L.A.)/4:00 p.m. (N.Y.)/9:00 p.m. (U.K.) enjoy the Season 5 Debut of Magical People, my limited-run (November and December) chat show! This show will feature great conversation with Robina the Enchantress, (Robin Byers-Pierce) who will add fascinating insight into performing! Be sure to catch it Livestreaming on this page, or grab yourself a FREE, Virtual Ticket/Seat here: https://www.majickmikelikey.com/magical-people.html
Performed a Thought-Projection experiment using a book with my assistant Cheryl Hayes and Martin Duffy. Martin selected two random numbers to create a page-number; was I able to correctly project a word on that page to Cheryl? Find out now! Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's SPOOKTACULAR on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
Excited about this show which will Livestream on my FB page on Nov. 1st! Want to get the jump on other folks? Register for your FREE virtual/Zoom seat here: https://www.majickmikelikey.com/dr-michaels-friday-night-wizard-emporium.html Check out our amazing line-up of some of the greatest magicians in the world: Edward L. Underwood (U.S.) John Kaplan (Canada) Ari Fleischman (U.S.) The Magical Ms. Charley (U.S.) Micah Cover (U.S.) Mitch Kothe (U.S.) John Greenwood (John the Great, U.K.) Lee Germain (U.S.) Roy Brownlowe (Roy Stone, U.K.) Robin Byers-Pierce (Robina the Enchantress, U.S.) Tommy Burnett (U.S.) Kevin Peel (U.K.) Myself (Dr. Michael Likey, Canada) Costumes encouraged! It's going to be spoooookeeeee.... |
![]() Dr. Michael (Majick Mike)