I'm excited to announce our next Dr. Michael's Friday Night Wizard Emporium! Appearing on our Friday, October 4th show (Livestreaming on Facebook, or even better, be in our virtual Zoom audience and get up close and personal!) 1:00 p.m. Pacific (L.A.)/4:00 p.m. Eastern (N.Y.)/9:00 p.m. U.K. will be: Edward L. Underwood (U.S.) The Magical Ms. Charley (U.S.) Simon Piercy (U.K.) Robin Byers-Pierce (Robina the Enchantress, U.S.) John Greenwood (John the Great, U.K.) Tommy Burnett (U.S.) Kevin Peel (U.K.) Myself (Dr. Michael Likey, Canada) Get your EXCLUSIVE Zoom seat here: https://www.majickmikelikey.com/dr-michaels-friday-night-wizard-emporium |
Dr. Michael (Majick Mike)