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Dr. Michael's Friday Night Wizard Emporium...
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The Most Recent Magical People Live Talk/Chat Show...
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Apparently one of the better registered/attended lectures/talks! Thank you TALK Third Age Learning at Kwantlen for having me back again to talk about my latest book, "Transcending the Limitations of the Human Mind"! They want a Part 2, 3, and maybe 4!! Yaaay!
My Recent Lecture for The Vancouver Magic Circle...
I had the honor of doing a lecture on Bizarre Majick/Mentalism last night for the Vancouver Magic Circle
Here is a quote from Graham Kita, Past President, Vancouver Magic Circle, and Director on Executive: "There are a lot of people that said they really enjoyed your workshop. Thank you for taking the time and energy to come out and do that for us. Our vision is to do more and more magic at our meetings. members like yourself really do help us to instill the attitudes of professionalism . I especially liked the fact that you mentioned bizarre magic is a hard sell to the public for shows. it is super cool, but you could make a lot more money just doing kids birthday parties. For the beginners in the group, information like that is so valuable. I’ve seen so many younger magicians go off and wanna be different. They don’t understand how much more difficult that path would be as opposed to Doing commercially accepted magic .It can definitely be done. It takes a lot of years to know and understand what your audience likes. I really like that your workshop wasn’t about look what I can do . It was about teaching the members and sharing our Art of Magic."
Another from the great Donovan Edward Wert: "One of my favourite books in my collection, Signed by my great friend The incomparable Dr. Michael Likey!! His lecture at the Vancouver Magic Circle last night was absolutely delightful!!
From the amazing Shawn Farquhar: "Thanks for performing and lecturing last night for the VMC, I think I can confidently say everyone had a grand time."
Roy J Hopwood: "If you missed the VMC meeting on Thursday, you missed a great workshop by Dr. Michael Likey. His thoughts and demonstration of Bizarre Magic / Mentalism showed that a well-developed character and costume - Steam Punk - along with effects that suit the character creates a potent image. Michael also showed that keeping the method simple does NOT lessen the effect."
Thank you Yoosik Ethan Oum for the great pics, and to Cheryl Hayes my amazing Partner in Magic!
Here is a quote from Graham Kita, Past President, Vancouver Magic Circle, and Director on Executive: "There are a lot of people that said they really enjoyed your workshop. Thank you for taking the time and energy to come out and do that for us. Our vision is to do more and more magic at our meetings. members like yourself really do help us to instill the attitudes of professionalism . I especially liked the fact that you mentioned bizarre magic is a hard sell to the public for shows. it is super cool, but you could make a lot more money just doing kids birthday parties. For the beginners in the group, information like that is so valuable. I’ve seen so many younger magicians go off and wanna be different. They don’t understand how much more difficult that path would be as opposed to Doing commercially accepted magic .It can definitely be done. It takes a lot of years to know and understand what your audience likes. I really like that your workshop wasn’t about look what I can do . It was about teaching the members and sharing our Art of Magic."
Another from the great Donovan Edward Wert: "One of my favourite books in my collection, Signed by my great friend The incomparable Dr. Michael Likey!! His lecture at the Vancouver Magic Circle last night was absolutely delightful!!
From the amazing Shawn Farquhar: "Thanks for performing and lecturing last night for the VMC, I think I can confidently say everyone had a grand time."
Roy J Hopwood: "If you missed the VMC meeting on Thursday, you missed a great workshop by Dr. Michael Likey. His thoughts and demonstration of Bizarre Magic / Mentalism showed that a well-developed character and costume - Steam Punk - along with effects that suit the character creates a potent image. Michael also showed that keeping the method simple does NOT lessen the effect."
Thank you Yoosik Ethan Oum for the great pics, and to Cheryl Hayes my amazing Partner in Magic!
Part of my presentation included doing Long-Distance Telepathy/Mediumship with Cheryl Hayes who acted as the medium by speaker-phone all the way from New Hampshire, U.S. She succeeded not only in naming the objects held up by the committee, but also stated the serial number from a five-dollar bill I borrowed from an audience member. Here is a short clip from the experiment...
My Appearance on Mind Over Magic...
Here's my appearance on the premiere episode of Tommy Burnett's show, MIND OVER MAGIC, July 6th. Thanks, Tommy!
Transcending the Limitations of the Human Mind: Third Printing...
Thank you for making my latest release a huge success! Thanks to you all, "Transcending the Limitations of the Human Mind" is now in its THIRD PRINTING!
My 86th Hardcover and Softcover book!
This one covers topics of interest to magicians and non-magicians alike, (Mentalism/Experiments of the Mind) and offers practical advise/exercises for holistic growth: sharpening the mind, physical balance, and overall improving your performance skills!
There are exercises that magicians and non-magicians will use in self-improvement lectures/presentations as well...I know, because my university lecture in the fall will be based on this book!
Check it out at:
My 86th Hardcover and Softcover book!
This one covers topics of interest to magicians and non-magicians alike, (Mentalism/Experiments of the Mind) and offers practical advise/exercises for holistic growth: sharpening the mind, physical balance, and overall improving your performance skills!
There are exercises that magicians and non-magicians will use in self-improvement lectures/presentations as well...I know, because my university lecture in the fall will be based on this book!
Check it out at:
A Double Mind-Boggler
On tonight's #OpenMicMagicTheatre my Partner in Magic, Cheryl Hayes succeeded in predicting a 3-digit number that audience assistant Jill Ireland merely thought of! Not only that, but Jill also mentally perceived the exact and only playing card that I reversed in a pack of completely blank cards! A "Double Revelation" alright! Watch the mysteries unfolding here! Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's show!
Colors and Shapes
On tonight's #OpenMicMagicTheatre, my Partner in Magic, Cheryl Hayes, was blindfolded by Mikayla Lynn. Micah Cover then randomly selected a color and a specific shape, which Cheryl was then able to identify! Mystifying! Impossible! Was it Clairvoyance, or was it something more?
Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's awesome line-up!
Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's awesome line-up!
Two Miracles
On last night's #OpenMicMagicTheatre, my Partner in Magic, Cheryl Hayes, assisted by Mikayla Lynn, performed a minor miracle, as audience assistant.
Micah Cover named a random card, previously predicted by Cheryl, (and previously written by her on a piece of paper) as well as myself, who had previously put a different backed playing card reversed into another pack which matched the card named by Micah! Thank you
Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's line-up!
Micah Cover named a random card, previously predicted by Cheryl, (and previously written by her on a piece of paper) as well as myself, who had previously put a different backed playing card reversed into another pack which matched the card named by Micah! Thank you
Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's line-up!
Symbols and Colors
Wow! Proof positive that Thought-Reading and Distant Viewing is NOT infallible, after all, are we not human?Join myself, and my Partner-in-Magic, Cheryl Hayes, as we attempt another Experiment of the Mind!In this case, a randomly-selected colored symbol by audience member Micah Cover comes into play, as Cheryl attempts to divine its identity! Does she succeed? I believe you'll all be surprised!Thank you Robin Byers-Pierce and Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's #OpenMicMagicTheater!
Two Blindfolds, Two Decks of Cards, Two Predictions
An experiment in Sympathy and Precogntion with myself and my partner in magic, Cheryl Hayes. (and her assistant, Mikayla Lynn) With blindfolds on, did we manage to both stop at a specific card in each of our decks, when Micah Cover called "stop"? Furthermore, did the cards match predictions we made? Find out here! Thank you Kevin Peel for including us on tonight's #OpenMicMagicShow!
X-Ray Vision and Precognition
Will my assistant Cheryl Hayes with Mikayla Lynn "see through" an envelope and the correct color selected by Micah Cover? Further, will it match a prediction I made previously? Check it out on tonight's #OpenMicMagicShow with our Host/Presenter Kevin Peel!
Clairvoyance or Telekenesis?
A classic of magic with a Mentalism slant!
Watch as my assistant Cheryl Hayes perceives three cards selected by Micah Cover, and then what ensues! Mikayla Lynn blindfolded Cheryl,
to add to the challenge!
Thank-you, Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's wonderous
line-up of wizards on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
Watch as my assistant Cheryl Hayes perceives three cards selected by Micah Cover, and then what ensues! Mikayla Lynn blindfolded Cheryl,
to add to the challenge!
Thank-you, Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's wonderous
line-up of wizards on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
Precognition and a Random Selection
Did my assistant, Cheryl Hayes, succeed in successfully predicting a completely random selection of a playing card by audience-member Doug Thornton? Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's #OpenMicMagicShow
Remote Viewing: Can it Help Divide the Red Cards from the Black Ones?
Can Remote Viewing help in separating the red cards from the black cards, or is there something more to it?
Thank you Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn for assisting me with another Experiment of the Mind! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me on tonight's #OpenMicMagicShow!
Thank you Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn for assisting me with another Experiment of the Mind! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me on tonight's #OpenMicMagicShow!
Automatic Writing: Can the Spirits Influence Us?
A demonstration of Automatic Writing, and the answer to the question, "Can the dead return in spirit to influence the living?" Thank-you Cheryl Hayes, Mikayla Lynn, and Bruce Yoskin for assisting me in this Experiment of the Mind! Thank-you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Piercefor allowing me to appear on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
A Rope, a Ring, and a Music-Box
A musical piece involving a ring, a piece of rope, and a music-box. Enjoy! Thank you Robin Byers-Pierce and Kevin Peel for allowing me to perform on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
Can an object dematerialize, travel to another location, then re-materialize? If this sounds like science fiction, I invite you to witness, if you will, tonight's experiment/demonstration with an audience volunteer's signed coin! Thank you Micah Cover for making fiction fact on tonight's #OpenMicMagic, and thank you Kevin Peel for allowing me to participate on tonight's show!
Please Note: I could hear the music-box, but unfortunately the mic didn't pick it up. My apologies!
Please Note: I could hear the music-box, but unfortunately the mic didn't pick it up. My apologies!
Chop! Chop!
Decapitation? Self-Mutilation? I think NOT! Watch me play with a VERY dangerous cutter/chopper that can slice, dice, julienne and shred! Do I end up with one less digit? Watch and see! Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for allowing this mad man to demonstrate the #HadesImprovedFingerChopper on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
Mediumship Par Excellence!
We did an incredibly difficult experiment of the mind tonight on #OpenMicMagic! One of our audience members, Micah Cover, showed random objects, one-at-a-time to the home and virtual studio audience. Cheryl Hayes acted as the medium, welcoming the spirit of my deceased Aunt Clara to speak through her! Clara then went between Cheryl and Micah, to glimpse each object and speak through Cheryl their identities! Did it work? Can the dearly-departed really speak through the living? You be the judge on this Halloween Spooktacular! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's amazing line-up!
A Book, A Word, and a Medium
Performed a Thought-Projection experiment using a book with my assistant Cheryl Hayes and Martin Duffy. Martin selected two random numbers to create a page-number; was I able to correctly project a word on that page to Cheryl? Find out now! Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's SPOOKTACULAR on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
Suggestibility and a Card
Suggestibility was the subject of today's experiment of the mind! Did I succeed in influencing Micah Cover to selecting a specific playing card? Thank you Kevin Peel for giving me the opportunity to pose this question on today's #openmicmagicshow
Numbers and Playing Cards
An intriguing experiment involving numerology, as well as another utilizing playing cards were the order of the day! Thanks to my very astute audience participants Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn, we were able to match minds! Thank you @themagiciankev for including me in the talented cast of #OpenMicMagic tonight!
A Brain-Buster Experiment of the Mind!
Halloween garb, in honor of HalloweenMonth!
Today on #OpenMicMagicShow I was assisted by audience volunteer Micah Cover whose willing participation resulted in nothing less than a Brain-Busting conclusion! Watch and see if we really did, in fact, meld minds! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's wonderful line-up of magical entertainers!
Today on #OpenMicMagicShow I was assisted by audience volunteer Micah Cover whose willing participation resulted in nothing less than a Brain-Busting conclusion! Watch and see if we really did, in fact, meld minds! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's wonderful line-up of magical entertainers!
Let's Go to the Movies!
Tonight on #OpenMicMagic I conducted an experiment involving movies! Was my audience assistant Micah Cover and myself successful? Find out now!
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's entertaining line-up!
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's entertaining line-up!
Animals and Newspaper Clippings
TWO (count 'em) TWO experiments of the mind on tonight's #OpenMicMagicShow! Featuring my audience assistants Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn and Micah Cover, the first involved animals; see if I succeeded in reading Cheryl's thoughts, and thus correctly perceiving and identifying her thought-of animal! The second experiment involved a newspaper clipping, and a prediction (or hunch) of the word or words completely randomly selected by Micah!
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's outstanding line-up of entertainers!
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's outstanding line-up of entertainers!
Only One Choice!
Excited about tonight's #OpenMicMagic with Host/Presenter Kevin Peel. During my experiment of the mind, audience volunteer Micah Cover assisted me in a virtually (pun intended) impossible feat! See if we succeeded or not!
Premonition Outdone!
I conducted another experiment of the mind involving premonitions...hunches...precognition. Using two packs of playing cards and audience assistant Martin Duffy , the outcome/result of this experiment will shock and surprise you! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in this week’s stellar line-up of #OpenMicMagic!
We experimented with shapeshifting and transformation in my latest experiment of the mind on #OpenMicNight! Using a deck of playing cards, a match, and a matchbook, my audience assistant Micah Cover did not anticipate what eventually ensued! Thank you, Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's incredible line-up of wizards!
Uncle Moe
I did an experiment with my dead Uncle Maurice: was he able to reach through from the grave to influence my audience assistant Micah Cover and have him select a particular playing card? Find out by watching this clip! Thank you Kevin Peel for having me participate in tonight's #OpenMicMagic
Happy Birthday, Jill!
On tonight's #OpenMicMagicShow I read Jill's Cards on her birthday! Wait for the surprise ending, and thank you Kevin Peel for having me on your show! Happy birthday, Jill!
We Got a Rise Out of This One
On tonight's #TuesdayNightMagicTheater, my audience assistants Micah Cover, Tommy Burnett, and Rolf Haecker assisted me in a card effect that we really got a rise out of! Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for having me back this week!
The Dracula's
Some of the actors that portrayed Dracula, a small wooden coffin, plus an incredible occurance! You MUST watch my audience assistants Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn accomplish the weird and miraculous on tonight's Open Mic Magic Show Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's talented and entertaining line-up!
Time Waits for No-One
Time waits for no-one...except in this instance. Time seemed to stand still once; can my audience participant Micah Cover match my hunch, contained within the confines of my pocket watch? Only TIME WILL TELL!
Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's #TuesdayNightMagicTheater
We travelled the world today, on #OpenMicMagicShow! With the help of my audience member, Lee Germain, we were able to match a randomly selected area, which matched a prediction/hunch I had previously. Thank you Kevin Peel for including me with today's talented line-up of performers!
The Stars and Ourselves
Do the position of the stars and planets affect us? Is there a correlation between our personalities and events, and Astrology? In this latest experiment with my audience assistant Micah Cover and myself, we attempt to prove that tarot cards, fate, numerology, and one's star-sign are all connected!
Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for having me on tonight's #TuesdayNightMagicTheater!
Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for having me on tonight's #TuesdayNightMagicTheater!
Do spirits, ghosts, or poltergeists truly exist? If they do, can they help the living?
Micah Cover, my audience assistant, helped me with the answer, in another experiment of the mind on #OpenMicMagic Thank you Kevin Peel for having me contribute to tonight's show!
Micah Cover, my audience assistant, helped me with the answer, in another experiment of the mind on #OpenMicMagic Thank you Kevin Peel for having me contribute to tonight's show!
Aunt Clara and the Tarot
A tale of my Aunt Clara and the Tarot. Watch as the mystery unfolds with the help of my audience assistant, Micah Cover! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in this week's #OpenMicMagicShow!
Thought Reading and Pure Magic!
A hybrid experiment of the mind involving Thought Reading as well as pure magic, on today's! TuesdayNightMagicTheater
Thank you Micah Cover, Mitch Kothe, and Tommy Burnett for assisting me, as well as Kevin Peel for including me in today's fantastic line-up!
Thank you Micah Cover, Mitch Kothe, and Tommy Burnett for assisting me, as well as Kevin Peel for including me in today's fantastic line-up!
A Color Separation Test
An experiment of the mind involving Thought Projection, a deck of playing cards, and a prediction/hunch. Did my audience-member Micah Cover succeed in separating the red suits from the black suits by merely guessing, or was there something more?
Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's stellar line-up on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater!
Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's stellar line-up on #TuesdayNightMagicTheater!
Travel Back in time
We travel back in time with my audience assistant, Jill Steve Ireland whose playing card travels miraculously between dimensions! H.G. Wells would be proud! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in this marvelous and magical line-up, Open Mic Magic Show
That Mysterious Smile
A mystery involving a post card with a familiar image and her mysterious smile! Does it all work out? Find out now! Thank you Bruce Yoskin for assisting me, and thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's talented line-up!
It's All in the Mind
An absolute MIRACLE! That was the experiment I conducted tonight on the #OpenMicMagicShow! If everything took place in everyone's mind, how could my hunch/prediction come true? Watch, as Micah Cover, Cheryl Hayes, and Mikayla Lynn assist me in this IMPOSSIBLE BRAIN BUSTER! Thanks go to these incredible assistants/volunteers, and of course, to Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's wonderful line-up!
Tuesday Night Magic Theater: WONDER!
Hopefully, we brought a sense of WONDER to you all at tonight's Tuesday Night Magic Theater Supporters! Thank you, Micah Cover for assisting me with this mini-illusion involving letter-tiles, and thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's outstanding line-up of performers!
Three Cards and a Slate
I enjoyed performing on tonight's #TuesdayNightMagicTheater Thanks to my volunteers Micah Cover Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn, I was able to tune into successfully, the names of their selected playing cards! Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's incredible line-up! Curious? Check out my segment!
A Symphony of the Aces
Back to my roots...Close-Up Magic, that is! Here is an effect I've been doing professionally since 1981, but over all since 1972! I'm calling it, "The Symphony of the Aces"! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's #OpenMicMagicShow line-up!
A Stainless Steel Blindfold, Markers, Symbol-Cards, and Band-Aids!
Band-aids, Markers, Symbol-Cards, and a Stainless Steel Blindfold were the tools I used on today's #OpenMicMagicShow for an experiment of the mind! Always trying to challenge myself, I employed the assistance of Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn to see if I could duplicate (while blindfolded) their freely-selected colored symbol from several per card! Did I get the color right? Did I even get the symbol right? Check this out to see! Thanks to my helpers as well as Kevin Peel for including me on today's show!
A Magical Game of Wordle on Today's Show
I played a game of #MagicWordle with my assistant Jill Ireland on today's #OpenMicMagic show! Needless to say, there was a magical finale! Thank you, Jill, and Kevin Peel for including me in today's amazing line-up!
A Stainless Steel Blindfold, Symbol-Cards, and a Slate
I utilized a stainless steel blindfold, a slate, and five black, laminated cards with symbols on them during an experiment of the mind! Did I succeed in matching the randomly-selected card by Cheryl Hayes and Mikayla Lynn? Check out my latest appearance on #OpenMicMagic Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in the great line-up!
A Ring and a Sneaker
I appeared tonight on Tuesday Night Magic Theater Supporters and shared a mystery involving a ring and a running shoe! (sneaker)
Thank you Micah Cover for assisting me, and Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's great line-up!
Thank you Micah Cover for assisting me, and Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in tonight's great line-up!
E.S.P. Cards Experiment
Jill assisted me today with an experiment using Zener (E.S.P.) cards! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me on today's #OpenMicMagic
Honeydew the Scorpion
Honored to be part of the talented cast of #OpenMicMagicShow If you're interested, you can watch my talented and trained scorpion, Honeydew, predict correctly a three-digit number named by Jill Ireland and find the card selected by Mikayla! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me!
Baby Godzilla finds Micah Cover’s selected card on this #TuesdayNightMagicTheaterShow! Thank you, Micah, for assisting me! Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in the talented group of performers!
Was it Telekinesis/Psychokinesis? Ghosts, spirits, poltergeists? A figment of our imagination? Something more? On today's #TuesdayNightMagicTheater I performed this demonstration with the help of Micah Cover Thank you Kevin Peel and Robin Byers-Pierce for including me in today's great line-up of performers!
Is it influence of some sort? Thought Projection, or something more?
In this demonstration, my assistant #MicahCover goes with me on a trip though a store, and selects one of four items exactly, which I had previously predicted! Thank you #KevinPeel for including me on the #TuesdayNightMagicTheaterShow!
In this demonstration, my assistant #MicahCover goes with me on a trip though a store, and selects one of four items exactly, which I had previously predicted! Thank you #KevinPeel for including me on the #TuesdayNightMagicTheaterShow!
Chanelle Munroe Was Featured On the Season 4 Finale of Magical People
On this #MagicalPeople #Vodcast and #Podcast we featured Magician Chanelle Munroe!
Watch/listen/enjoy on all #socialmedia platforms including #Facebook #Instagram #YouTube and #iHeartRadio
Watch/listen/enjoy on all #socialmedia platforms including #Facebook #Instagram #YouTube and #iHeartRadio
#Podcast version...
Statistics and Psychology
Do psychology and statistics determine the apparent arbitrary selection of an item during a trip to the shoppes? Let’s find out together on today’s #OpenMicMagicShow! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me on this show, and John O’Riordan for assisting me in this experiment!
The Difference Between a Magician and a Mentalist
The Difference Between a Magician and a Mentalist was today's demonstration on Open Mic Magic Show Supporters! Thank you Russell Almond III for assisting, Robin Byers-Pierce for signing, and of course, Kevin Peel for including me in today's line-up!
Several Cards and a Hunch
Can I subtly influence a spectator to select a specific playing card,
or was it Thought Projection? Regardless, see if I was successful,
on today's show! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me
in today's line-up of performers!
or was it Thought Projection? Regardless, see if I was successful,
on today's show! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me
in today's line-up of performers!
A Stainless Steel Blindfold, a Picture, and Some Chalk
One of the more difficult experiments that I've undertaken! Involving "blind faith", and also "sightless vision", I attempt to duplicate a picture from a deck of thirty-two different images, and selected randomly by my audience assistant! Did I succeed? Have a look...
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's roster of #OpenMicMagicShow!
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's roster of #OpenMicMagicShow!
An Experiment Employing Zener Cards on Today's
Open Mic Magic Show!
On today's #OpenMicMagicShow I performed an experiment using two sets of Zener, or E.S.P. cards. My subject's challenge was to match at least two of the five cards; see the final results! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's line-up!
One Card in Six on Today's
Open Mic Magic Show
I was on today's #OpenMicMagicShow and attempted to psychologically influence an audience member into selecting a particular card. One of the more difficult experiments in Thought Projection; did we succeed? Have a look now. Thank you #KevinPeel for including me in today's exciting roster of entertainers!
A Card, a Date Book, and Spare Change On Today's
Open Mic Magic Show
I guested today on the Open Mic Magic Show and performed a triple experiment of the mind, utilizing three subjects. The first two experiments involved "Thoughts Foretold", or Precognition, involving a playing card, and a datebook/calendar; the third experiment involved chance...or was it? Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in the great roster of performers!
The Ghost, the Shroud, and a School Slate:
Open Mic Magic Show
Can a portal to the spirit-world contained within a black shroud of mystery, provide hidden information upon a miniature school slate?
Find out on this FREE Wednesday night Open Mic Magic Show! Thank-you Kevin Peel for including me!
Find out on this FREE Wednesday night Open Mic Magic Show! Thank-you Kevin Peel for including me!
The Spanish Inquisition: Open Mic Magic Show
I was on the FREE #OpenMicMagicShow today! I shared a story about the #SpanishInquisition and things got all turned around! Thank you #KevinPeel for including me in today's line-up!
The Purity of Snow on Today's Open Mic Magic Show!
A mystery involving the beauty and purity of a fresh snowfall, and a deck of playing cards! Thank you #KevinPeel for allowing me to participate, and my virtual assistant (Lisa) for assisting me on today’s #OpenMicMagicShow!
It's Arsenic on Today's Open Mic Magic Show!
On today's Open Mic Magic Show, it's arsenic or nothing!
See who survives goblets of "poison": myself, or my three audience spectators!
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's line-up!
See who survives goblets of "poison": myself, or my three audience spectators!
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's line-up!
Open Mic Magic Show Appearance: December 6th, 2023
Possibly one of my most self-challenging experiments of the mind of my career: While wearing a blindfold, I attempt to energetically "feel" and therefore select through a velvet bag, the only key in six that will open a padlock!
Thank you #KevinPeel for including me in today's #OpenMicMagicShow
Thank you #KevinPeel for including me in today's #OpenMicMagicShow
The Night of the Raven
I can now share this experiment, which I gave the #NightoftheRaven an exclusive to! Thank you #MicahCover!
Some Reviews by Magicians on My Recent Lecture for The Paranormal Investigation Committee of
The Society of American Magicians
"Michael made a wonderful presentation of the spirit cabinet with new twists. I did the spirit cabinet back in the late 1960s and will say his changes really made it look great. Kudos to Michael Likey".
-James Svaglic, Association de Magiciens Internationaux (A.M.I.) Member
"Thank you Michael, you did a great job."
-Mark Carlon, Chair, The Paranormal Investigation Committee,
The Society of American Magicians.
"A superb lecture. Just wonderful."
-Anthony Darkstone, President, International Assembly (#272), The Society of American Magicians, Executive Chairman & V.P., Association de Magiciens Internationaux.
"This was a great session with informative and creative ideas to
inspire us to enhance our effects".
-John Zenkewich, Association de Magiciens Internationaux (A.M.I.) Member.
-James Svaglic, Association de Magiciens Internationaux (A.M.I.) Member
"Thank you Michael, you did a great job."
-Mark Carlon, Chair, The Paranormal Investigation Committee,
The Society of American Magicians.
"A superb lecture. Just wonderful."
-Anthony Darkstone, President, International Assembly (#272), The Society of American Magicians, Executive Chairman & V.P., Association de Magiciens Internationaux.
"This was a great session with informative and creative ideas to
inspire us to enhance our effects".
-John Zenkewich, Association de Magiciens Internationaux (A.M.I.) Member.
A Recent Lecture for Non-Magicians
Recently I was fortunate enough to talk to non-magicians on #GhostsAndSpirits based on my three-book series available from #Amazon. (GHOSTS & SPIRITS, BIZARRE, and PSYCHED!) It was a fun group, who participated in the second half with #ExperimentsOfTheMind! Among a few other experiments, using several small, frameless school slates, we were able to experience a message of #Love from someone's dearly-departed, have the exact time someone's loved one departed manifest upon the face of a watch, and even have a mini-seance whereby a table lifted completely off the floor as four of us had our fingertips lightly touching the table's surface!
A good time was indeed had by all!
REMEMBER: Dr. Likey's lectures and presentations are not intended to foster belief in supernatural phenomena of any kind. Everything he accomplishes is through perfectly natural and scientific means.
A good time was indeed had by all!
REMEMBER: Dr. Likey's lectures and presentations are not intended to foster belief in supernatural phenomena of any kind. Everything he accomplishes is through perfectly natural and scientific means.
Dr. Likey can speak at YOUR organization or University!
Inquire below...
Inquire below...
Unlocking the Limitless Potential of the Mind
Psychiatrists theorize that the deep relaxation and focusing exercises of hypnotism and meditation work to calm and subdue the conscious mind so that it takes a less active role in your thinking process. In this state, you're still aware of what's going on, but your conscious mind takes a backseat to your subconscious mind.
Within our subconscious mind resides traumas and negative past occurrences, which, once identified, may be altered, corrected, and healed.
Also within the recesses of our subconscious mind lays limitless potential and possibilities, which, once accessed, may result in almost miraculous achievements.
Among other things, the potential for extrasensory perception, creativity, and imagination may be released from the depths of our unconscious mind, resulting in previously untapped feats and abilities which may appear not only fascinating, but also potentially useful to society.
Dr. Michael Likey, Ph.D., D.D., PsyTh.D. offers you a one-hour or two-hour presentation involving the Unlimited Power of the Mind that is at once entertaining, as well as food for thought.
During his presentations, (many based upon his published books and influenced by the clinical work of Jung and Freud) you may be called upon to volunteer in experiments of the mind involving playing cards, keys, and other simple and everyday objects such as slates, chalk, pads of paper and pencils or markers. In the end, you will be both entertained, fascinated, and reassured that there, to quote the Bard, "...are more things in heaven and earth...than are dreamt of in our philosophies."
Within our subconscious mind resides traumas and negative past occurrences, which, once identified, may be altered, corrected, and healed.
Also within the recesses of our subconscious mind lays limitless potential and possibilities, which, once accessed, may result in almost miraculous achievements.
Among other things, the potential for extrasensory perception, creativity, and imagination may be released from the depths of our unconscious mind, resulting in previously untapped feats and abilities which may appear not only fascinating, but also potentially useful to society.
Dr. Michael Likey, Ph.D., D.D., PsyTh.D. offers you a one-hour or two-hour presentation involving the Unlimited Power of the Mind that is at once entertaining, as well as food for thought.
During his presentations, (many based upon his published books and influenced by the clinical work of Jung and Freud) you may be called upon to volunteer in experiments of the mind involving playing cards, keys, and other simple and everyday objects such as slates, chalk, pads of paper and pencils or markers. In the end, you will be both entertained, fascinated, and reassured that there, to quote the Bard, "...are more things in heaven and earth...than are dreamt of in our philosophies."
Open Mic Magic Show: November 22nd, 2023
Witness if you will, an experiment of the mind involving the Tarot, a candle, bell, and two school slates, for your consideration and evaluation! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in this week's Open Mic Magic!
Witness if you will, an experiment of the mind involving the Tarot, a candle, bell, and two school slates, for your consideration and evaluation! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in this week's Open Mic Magic!
Open Mic Magic Show: November 15th, 2023
Open Mic Magic Show: November 8th, 2023
Open Mic Magic Show: November 1st 2023 (Halloween Spooktacular)
#OpenMicMagicShow #Halloween 2023 #Spooktacular! Thank-you for including me, #KevinPeel
Open Mic Magic Show: October 25th 2023
Today's experiment of the mind involving Thought Perception and Thought Projection! Thanks go out to my two test subjects who assisted me with this difficult and dramatic challenge! Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in tonight's amazing line-up of performers in Open Mic Magic Show.
Open Mic Magic Show: October 18th 2023
Thank you Kevin Peel for including me in today's #OpenMicMagicShow. See myself and assistant Jill perform an experiment in Psychokenesis/Telekinesis using playing cards, chalk, and two school slates!
Open Mic Magic Show: October 11th 2023
Excited to have participated in today's Open Mic Magic Show It was an experiment in Tin Type Photography, involving after-images! Thank you #KevinPeel
Go here for all twenty of Dr. Michael (Majick Mike) Likey's books on performance magic:
Scroll down that page to find the link to Dr. Michael's self-help/metaphysical books, 65 in all, as well.
Gala/Tribute for Dan Garrett
An honor to have been included in this moving tribute/Gala for a great man (Dan Garrett) produced by Anthony Darkstone for the #AssociationdeMagiciensInternationaux
Open Mic Magic Show: The Gemini Killer
Today on the #OpenMicMagicShow, you participated in catching a killer! Thank you, #KevinPeel
Open Mic Magic Show: An Experiment in Thought Projection
I performed an experiment in Thought Projection on today's Open Mic Magic Show with two great assistants!
Thank-you Kevin Peel for including me in today's show!
Thank-you Kevin Peel for including me in today's show!
Open Mic Magic Show: Turning Back time
On today's Open Mic Magic show on Facebook, I was fortunate to be included along with some other magical entertainers.
I presented, using a pocket-watch, an experiment with a willing participant who had lost a loved one at a specific point in time.
I presented, using a pocket-watch, an experiment with a willing participant who had lost a loved one at a specific point in time.
Open Mic Magic Show: An Experiment of the Mind
An emotional experiment of the mind with a Dearly Departed; thank-you #MichaelKelly for assisting me, and #KevinPeel for including me on your #FREEOpenMicMagicShow today!
Inside the Magicians Studio:
Dr. Michael (Majick Mike) Likey
Here's my recent appearance on #InsideTheMagiciansStudio! Thank you #JohnKippen for having me!
There were surprise appearances by #MicahCover and #AnthonyDarkstone as well! Thanks for your kind words!
There were surprise appearances by #MicahCover and #AnthonyDarkstone as well! Thanks for your kind words!
I was honored to receive this Presidential Appointment by Past National President Rod Chow of #TheSocietyOfAmericanMagicians last night at our local #Assembly95 ! #InternationalDevelopmentCoordinator 2023
Four books in one, previously published.
Containing a new section on the psychology behind constructing new magic tricks and routines, you'll love the insights Dr. Likey adds to his latest tome. In this third in the series, Dr. Likey explores not only the phenomena of ghosts and spirits, (both real and hoaxes) as well as the best spooky magic and routines, known to magicians as Bizarre Majick! Most importantly, he tackles the psychology behind the magic, crucial when developing those tricks and routines. As a bonus, developing one's performance character is also included. #Hardcover #Paperback #Amazon |
Dr. Michael (Majick Mike) Likey herein offers the magicians' community some of his finest spooky magic-tricks and illusions, which he refers to as Experiments of the Mind. You, as well as your audience, will be left astounded, perplexed, and without a doubt, remembering these illusions for many years to come. Dr. Michael Likey is the Author of more than sixty-five hardcover and paperback books about metaphysics and magic. He performed more than 2,500 shows a year in the 1980's and '90's, and his popular television program ran for nine years during that time as well. He is the creator of many original illusions which have appeared in magicians trade journals. He is a Member of the Magic Circle, (MMC) The Society of American Magicians, The International Brotherhood of Magicians, and the Paranormal Investigative Committee, the Society of American Magicians. Recipient of The Darkstone Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Art of Magic, Dr. Likey is also the Host/Presenter of the monthly Magic News Network, a global magicians news webcast, and is The First Vice-President of The International Assembly of The Society of American Magicians. He is also the International Development Coordinator (National) for The Society of American Magicians. AVAILABLE IN HARDCOVER: |
More Recent Virtual Appearances
Dr. Michael and his Experiments of the Mind:
Bridging Science and Mysticism
Is it Mind-Reading? Telekinesis? The Power of the Mind? Imagination? Science? Mysticism? Superstition? E.S.P.? Psychic Ability? Intuition?
Together, we explore which Is what, as YOU seemingly accomplish impossible feats of the mind! From moving objects, to matching with another's thoughts, YOU are the one seemingly doing these mental gymnastics.
Fun for the whole family, there is something for everybody here, and you might even learn a thing or two!
Together, we explore which Is what, as YOU seemingly accomplish impossible feats of the mind! From moving objects, to matching with another's thoughts, YOU are the one seemingly doing these mental gymnastics.
Fun for the whole family, there is something for everybody here, and you might even learn a thing or two!
NEUROSCIENCE has proven that we are only 5% CONSCIOUSLY/COGNITIVELY aware, while the remaining 95% of our mind remains UNCONSCIOUS/NOT COGNITIVELY AWARE. In other words, so MUCH of our UNCONSCIOUS MIND REMAINS UNTAPPED!
Can you imagine the possibilities if we could access MORE of our UNCONSCIOUS MIND?
What goes on in that 95%? Can we use it to HEAL past memories and traumas, which are contained within that UNCONSCIOUS 95% of our mind?
What other POWERS OF THE MIND may be uncovered within that 95% if we became more COGNITIVELY aware? Could our MEMORY improve? Might we be able to achieve MUCH MORE than we were able to before?
Can you imagine the possibilities if we could access MORE of our UNCONSCIOUS MIND?
What goes on in that 95%? Can we use it to HEAL past memories and traumas, which are contained within that UNCONSCIOUS 95% of our mind?
What other POWERS OF THE MIND may be uncovered within that 95% if we became more COGNITIVELY aware? Could our MEMORY improve? Might we be able to achieve MUCH MORE than we were able to before?
This thirty-minute presentation is self-contained and is perfect for stage, small theatres and auditoriums.
Filled with audience participation, you'll laugh, you'll be amazed and be puzzled, and YES, you WILL learn a thing or two about the Power of the Mind!
Filled with audience participation, you'll laugh, you'll be amazed and be puzzled, and YES, you WILL learn a thing or two about the Power of the Mind!
My Science World Show 2022
Virtually Perfect
Want to save more than 70% on a show/presentation?
Most of my LIVE, IN-PERSON presentations start at $1,500. for 30 minutes.
A VIRTUAL (ZOOM) show starts at $200.
What that means is that you can either pay $1,500. for my live, in-person version of my DR. MICHAEL'S EXPERIMENTS OF THE MIND, or
have the EXACT same show via ZOOM for $200.
Your choice!
EMAIL me for more information.
Contract, and 50% deposit required, non-refundable (regardless of virtual or in-person)
Most of my LIVE, IN-PERSON presentations start at $1,500. for 30 minutes.
A VIRTUAL (ZOOM) show starts at $200.
What that means is that you can either pay $1,500. for my live, in-person version of my DR. MICHAEL'S EXPERIMENTS OF THE MIND, or
have the EXACT same show via ZOOM for $200.
Your choice!
EMAIL me for more information.
Contract, and 50% deposit required, non-refundable (regardless of virtual or in-person)
- Performed 2500 shows in the 1980's and 1990's
- Produced and starred in his TV-shows, 1985-1994
- Magician in medieval feast, ten years
- Articles in magicians' trade magazines
- Author of more than 85 metaphysical/self-help/magic-related hardcover and paperback books on Amazon
- Illustrated/Published full-color magic-related comic-books and animated features
- Wrote, performed, produced folk and childrens' music CD's
- MMC-Member of The Magic Circle
- Recipient of the Darkstone Award for Outstanding Contributions to The Art of Magic
- 1st Vice-President, Society of American Magicians, International Assembly
- Canadian Envoy for The Society of American Magicians International Assembly 272
- Secretary, International Assembly, The Society of American Magicians.
- Former International Development Coordinator, The Society of American Magicians, National Assembly (2022-2023)
- Former On-Air Host/Anchor "Magic News Network" Broadcast/Webcast
- Host/Presenter "Magical People" Podcast/Webcast/Vidcast
- Host/Presenter "Dr. Michael's Friday Night Wizard Emporium" Livecast
"Dr. Michael Likey brings to the Art of Magic not only a sartorial elegance but also decades of quintessential experience. This has been amply demonstrated in his TV appearances, live performances, and the content of the masterful work in his book, "Metaphysics, Mysticism, and Performance Magic" to which I was pleased to write the Foreword. Having worked with him on numerous occasions I can unreservedly attest to the meticulous detail and quality of his performances."
-Anthony Darkstone, President of The Society of American Magicians International Assembly.
"Thank you for the interview Mike. I am very pleased on how it all turned out. You did an excellent job conducting the interview with me, and putting everything together into such an interesting and engaging magical episode! It is indeed my honour to be on your fantastic show!"
-Rod Chow, Past National President, The Society of American Magicians.
"I really enjoyed seeing the floating table. Very similar to my father's performance of it."
-Lon Mandrake, Past President, The Society of American Magicians, (Assembly 95) and son of the internationally renowned magician, Leon Mandrake.
-CBC Television.
-The Royal Bank of Canada.
-The United Way.
-Citizen's Committee To Combat Cancer.
-All-Fab Building Company.
"...A BIG WOW..."
-Celebrity Chef Uncle Bill Anatooskin.
-Winpak Social Club.
-Greg Dietlein, Past President, Vancouver Magic Circle.
Promo-Experiments of the Mind
Cindy Paulos Interviews Dr. Michael Likey About Ghosts and Spirits
Sefalaljia: The Miniature Spirit Cabinet
I participated in this recently! It was an early Halloween on Tuesday Night Magic Theater! There was Robina (Robin Byers-Pierce), Alan Fisher, Michael Kelly, Dr. Michael Likey, (myself) S Patrick, Kevin Peel, and Tommy Burnett. It was a Spooktacular time!!!!
Check out my segment here...
Check out my segment here...
I participate in this occasionally.
Enjoy one of my performances...
Enjoy one of my performances...
This particular performance of mine begins at 17:19. Enjoy! |
Here's another appearance of mine on the Open Mic Magic Show...
My December 14th segment on the Open Mic Magic Show...
Some Early Podcasts/Webcasts:
Dr. Michael (Magic Mike) Likey Interviews Magicians:
Magic Mike's Castle
Magic Moments
Magic commentary by Dr. Michael. Sometimes funny, sometimes controversial, always informative!
Take two minutes and enjoy! "...just watched your Webcast on Decks of Cards. Didn't know there was so many different types of decks. Really enjoyed it. Awesome job! I'll be watching the next one!"-Dan Deurbrouck |